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Book Concierge

Not sure what to read next? Is your to-read pile getting low?

Try our Book Concierge service! Fill out the short survey below on your reading preferences, and you will get personalized book recommendations from a librarian!


Looking for more reading inspiration?

Check out our Staff Picks page and see what the El Dorado County staff recommend to read!

Book Concierge Survey

Book Concierge Survey

Fill out the form below. You can tell us as much or as little as you like about your reading habits, but remember, the more you tell us, the better we are able help you. Your librarian will email you a personalized list of reading suggestions, based on your preferences!

Is your preference for:
Are there particular types of FICTION that you prefer? Chose as many as apply:
When you read, what are the kind of stories you find most appealing:
Are there any particular types of NONFICTION you enjoy? Chose as many as apply:
I prefer to read: (check all that apply)
Are there certain things you would prefer to avoid in your reading?