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Fine Free

As of December 4th, 2024, the El Dorado County Library will no longer charge for overdue items or DVD fees!

Fees for damaged or lost items and some exceptions still apply. Items need to be returned in a timely manner, or accounts will be blocked (including access to the digital library).

Library Fines and Fees Schedule 

Fine Free Board of Supervisors Presentation

Board of Supervisors Fine Free Agenda Item


The fine free model does not charge daily fines for overdue materials but charges for lost or damaged items. Any customer with an item kept 21 days past the item due date will have their account blocked until the item is returned or an item replacement cost is paid.

Late fines and borrowing fees prevent equal access to books and information. They work against the mission of the library and create barriers and inequalities in our community, often impacting children, families, and those on fixed income the most. A fine free library provides the community with greater access to resources.

We are working to remove late fines from all user accounts during the first quarter of 2025.